Asset Correlation Matrix!!
I don't know how much useful it might be for you, but it does look good to see.
We have different asset class in the market like gold, commodities, shares, bonds, and many of which as per their name should allow us diversification for example in case of a crisis in the market a wise investor will use his brain and park his money into for example like gold or real estate as they have separate exposure to the shares and are not affected by it but not so anymore. As there is more securitization of assets in the market like gold ETF, REITs, IVITS, and even crypto futures and options, all of these sure increase their trade and liquidity but takes away their inherent benefit of diversification from them or at least lower it. So this table includes some of those asset classes, indexes, currency and shows us their correlation with other securities. It is a self updated sheet, I hope it does there could be a blank entry from the source itself which I will correct when I login into a sheet. So this is the first post towards the wild side of the market.
If you didn't find it useful that's okay just look at the colors as this is the wild side!!
Link to the Sheet:- Correlation matrix.xlsx
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